Article submission guidelines

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts that are not being considered for publication elsewhere according to the IJSCIA standard format. There are no limits for pages, figures, tables, and references as far as the works submitted are original, significant, clear, relevant, correct, and well presented. The articles MUST be written in English.

The recommended file of the manuscript should be a one column word processor file with A-4 sized paper. There should be a short title followed by the Authors’ complete Address(es) and e-mail(s). A concise unstructured abstract not more than 250 words and between 3 – 10 keywords are necessary. The page set up must be of the type: Top/Bottom 1.1 inch and Left/Right 1.2 inch. The title of the paper is in 14 point font (Bold) and all others are in 12 point (Normal) font. The font style is the Cambria and 1.5 spacing.

References in the text should be numbered in square brackets such as [1] or [1,2]. References at the end of the article should follow the numbering within the main text, starting with the authors’ names, the title of the work done, and the journal’s name given in full. Examples include:
[1] Bahadur, K., Haque, I., Legwegoh, A. F., & Fraser, E. D. (2016). Strategies to reduce food loss in the global South. Sustainability8(7), 595.[2] Stone, H. & Sidel, J. L. (1985). Sensory Evaluation Practices. Pp. 56-59. Orlando, USA: Academic Press.

It is recommended that the end-of-text references should be done via a digital object identifier (DOI), to allow traceability. Look up for more information.

ISSN: 2708-7972


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