Ethical Guidelines

The publication of reviewed papers in the journal requires continuous work, responsibility, liability, and collaboration from all involved parties: authors, reviewers, and editors. The editorial team goal is to maintain the highest publication standards including high quality articles, but also corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies, if needed. We appreciate the contributions of every involved party to the work that we publish.

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For Authors

Submitting manuscripts to IJSCIA implies that the papers contain original and new results, data, and ideas, which are neither under consideration by any other journal nor published before.

Authors should cite only the articles that have contributed to their work, and avoid unnecessary citations.

Authors should present their work as objectively as possible. Bogus results must not be given.

Authors submit their articles on the premise that their work has not been published before either in whole or in part.

Information obtained via various media should be accurately cited.

Any information, useful to the manuscript, which is obtained from sources such as conversations, correspondence, or discussion with some third party, should be reported or cited. Prior permission must be taken from that third party before citing the same.

Authors and co-authors are requested to review and ensure the accuracy and validity of all the results prior to submission.

Authors should describe any potential conflict of interest which could be held to arise with respect to the article content. The same can be declared in a cover letter and shall be submitted to the journal.

Authors must disclose all the information of all sources of funding for the research conducted in the article if applicable.

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal Editor-in-Chief or Editors and cooperate to retract or correct the paper.

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study.

For Reviewers

Reviewers are the key members who are contributing for the benefit of the journal. They should maintain the confidentiality of the complete review process, whilst providing a detailed, constructive, and unbiased evaluation in a timely manner on the scientific content of the work.

Reviewers may immediately decline to review an article if they feel unqualified or unavailable for a timely review or have any conflicts of interests. Thus, they must give unbiased consideration to the manuscript accepted solely on the basis of its merits and should bring to the journal editor’s notice any potential conflict of interest with regards to the content of the research article, prior to reviewing the same.

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors.

They may also notify the Journal editor of any ethical concerns in their evaluation of submitted manuscripts; such as any violation of ethical treatment of animal or human subjects or any considerable similarity between the previously published article and any reviewed manuscript.

The comments of reviewers form a crucial component of the review process to determine an article’s acceptance or rejection.

For Editors

Editors are the sole responsible persons for the acceptance or rejection of any manuscript, of course it may be subjected to review but the final decision is bound to the concerned editor. Therefore, editors should evaluate manuscripts exclusively on the basis of their academic merit.

Editors should not reveal any decision taken on a submitted article to anyone, and must not use unpublished information in their personal research without the express written consent of the author.

Editors must maintain confidentiality with reference to the manuscript, research information and correspondence cited in the reference, if any. The manuscript should, in no case, be shared with a third party, external to the review process.

Editors should strive to stand up to the specified deadlines to ensure submission and publication in a timely manner.

ISSN: 2708-7972


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