Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida) Bark Solution as A Feed Additive on The Internal Organs of Broiler Chickens

Ni Putu Febri Suryatni, N.G.A. Mulyantini, Luh Sri Enawati, and Franky M.S.Telupere*


The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of using faloak bark solution in drinking water on the percentage of internal organs of broiler chickens. This research used a completely randomized design consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications, with 5 chickens in each replication. The treatment given was T0 = without adding faloak bark solution to drinking water, T1 = 1 ml faloak bark solution/l drinking water, T2 = 1.5 ml faloak bark solution/l drinking water, T3 = 2 ml faloak bark solution/l drinking water. Research variables included the relative weight of bursa fabricius, spleen, and kidney. The results of statistical analysis showed that administration of faloak bark solution in drinking water had no significant effect [P>0.05] on internal organs [bursa fabricius, thymus, spleen, and kidneys]. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that giving faloak bark solution up to a dose of 2 ml/drinking water has not been able to improve the immune response of chickens and affect the kidney percentage of broiler chickens.


faloak; broiler chickens; internal organs; feed supplement

Cite This Article

Suryatni, N. P. F., Mulyantini, N. G. A., Enawati, L. S., Telupere, F. M. S. (2023). Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida) Bark Solution as A Feed Additive on The Internal Organs of Broiler Chickens. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 4| Issue 5: Sep-Oct 2023, Pages 764-766, URL: https://www.ijscia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Volume4-Issue5-Sep-Oct-No.506-764-766.pdf

Volume 4 | Issue 5: Sep-Oct 2023


ISSN: 2708-7972


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (International) Licence.(CC BY-NC 4.0).
