Effect of Multiple Intelligences Instructional Strategy on Achievement and Retention in Mole Concept Among Chemistry Students in Abuja, Nigeria

Ojiyi C. A1* and Agu P. A.2


This study examined the Effect of Multiple Intelligences Instructional Strategy (MIIS) on Achievement and Retention in Mole Concept among Chemistry Students in Abuja, Nigeria. Quasi experimental, pre-test, post-test, and post post-test control group design was adopted for this study. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study was senior secondary school chemistry students in Abuja, Nigeria. The sample for the study was two co-educational schools. One served as the experimental group and the other served as the control group. Mole Concept Achievement Test (MCAT) (KR-21 = 0.70) was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research question, while null hypotheses were tested using ANCOVA at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study reveals that, there was significant difference between the mean achievement scores of students taught the mole concept using multiple intelligences instructional strategy (MIIS) and those taught using lecture method.  There was a significant difference between the mean retention scores of chemistry students taught the mole concept using MIIS and conventional method. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations have been made; there is a need for curriculum developers to develop appropriate curriculum that will make provision for the teacher to adopt various activities that will appeal to each students’ learning style or intelligence to enable them learn effectively.


effect; multiple intelligences; instructional strategy; achievement; retention; mole concept

Cite This Article

Ojiyi C. A and Agu P. A. (2021). Effect of Multiple Intelligences Instructional Strategy on Achievement and Retention in Mole Concept Among Chemistry Students in Abuja, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 2| Issue 1: Jan-Feb 2021, Pages 67-71, URL: https://www.ijscia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Volume2-Issue1-Jan-Feb-No.44-67-71.pdf

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Volume 2 | Issue 1: Jan-Feb 2021

ISSN: 2708-7972


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