A Comparative Assessment of Methods of Demonstrating Amyloidosis in Human Tissue

Okelue E. Okobi MD1*, Kenneth O. Iyevhobu2, Oyintoun-emi Ozobokeme MD3, Zainab Akinsola MD4, Josephine Odedina MD5, Nkemputaife P. Onyechi6, Abimbola O. Ajibowo7, Adedoyin Olawoye8, Adaugo N. Nwanguma9


This study compared methods of demonstrating amyloidosis in human tissues to recommend suitable staining methods in resource-poor settings. Human Liver and kidney tissues were collected and fixed in 10% formal saline for 24 hours. Liver and kidney sections were obtained from post-mortem samples. Samples were cut with a thickness of 3mm in the cutting-up room. The selected tissues were placed in tissue baskets carefully labeled and processed histologically. The tissues were processed using an automatic tissue processor. The staining methods employed in staining the sections were modified Highman’s Congo Red, Metachromatic Crystal Violet method, and Toluidine blue methods. The results showed the different staining reactions of the liver and kidney tissues to special these stains. The demonstration of amyloidosis using modified Highman’s Congo Red method appeared as red in both the liver and kidney tissue micrographs. The demonstration of amyloidosis using Metachromatic Crystal Violet stain appeared as blue in both the liver and kidney tissue micrograph. Furthermore, the demonstration of amyloidosis using Toluidine blue stain appeared as blue and red pigments in both the liver and kidney tissue micrograph. However, this staining was properly differentiated in all the tissues.


amyloidosis; human; tissues; staining liver; kidney

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Okelue, E. O. MD., Kenneth, O. I., Oyintoun, O. MD., Zainab, A. MD., Josephine, O. MD., Nkemputaife, P. O., Abimbola. O. A., Adedoyin, O., Adaugo, N. N. (2022). A Comparative Assessment of Methods of Demonstrating Amyloidosis in Human Tissue. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 3| Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2022, Pages 584-587, URL: https://www.ijscia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Volume3-Issue4-Jul-Aug-No.312-584-587.pdf

Volume 3 | Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2022 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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