Notes: Is Abraham Damping Constant and Inertia in Matter A Consequent Echo of Its Future State?

Anthony Maccini


I show in this paper that the Wheeler-Feynman Absorber theory is based on advanced and retarded waves in matter, known as electrical inertia or known as the Abraham damping constant, where inertia is regarded as an echo from matter’s future state, in its resistance to acceleration, then I show through calculations on the Abraham damping constant that others have done, leads to advanced waves being responsible for this damping constant, lending support to the Wheeler-Feynman Absorber theory and the work of Darko Bajlo, who first detected advanced waves in his experiments on 3rd December 2016 to 5th January 2017, and that such experiments were modelled on the Wheeler-Feynman Absorber theory and lends more support for this.


advanced waves; Abraham damping constant; electrical inertia; Wheeler-Feynman Absorber theory

Cite This Article

Maccini, A. (2021). Notes: Is Abraham Damping Constant and Inertia in Matter A Consequent Echo of Its Future State? . International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA), Volume 2| Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2021, Pages 628-629 , URL:

Volume 2 | Issue 4: Jul-Aug 2021 


ISSN: 2708-7972


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